About TMQuery

The template modeling score (TM-score[1]) is a widely used, but computationally expensive, measure of protein similarity that has applications across a wide array of structural biology tasks. Here, we introduce TMQuery – a database that contains over 9 billion pre-computed TM-score values from every pair of proteins in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) to enable researchers to quickly query TM-scores via a well-documented web interface and RESTful API.
[1] Y. Zhang, J. Skolnick, Scoring function for automated assessment of protein structure template quality, Proteins, 57: 702-710 (2004)
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute the database files or scripts for any research or commercial purpose is hereby granted, provided that (1) the notices therein and a reference to this publication appear in all copies or substantial portions of the database files or scripts and (2) a reference to this publication is made within any publication of results that are obtained using the database files or scripts. The database files and scripts are provided "as is" without express or implied representations or warranties. Licensor will not be liable for any losses, damages, or failures arising from your use, copy, modification, or distribution of the database files or scripts.
TMQuery Maintenance
Due to the application being offline, kindly reach out to us via email at ProtLM@gsk.com with your specific data requirements.
We'll be glad to assist you promptly.